Genie in a Bottle

Wine is sunlight, held together by water.  

People often change and forget to tell each other. Here’s my attempt not to do so. I officially like loud parties now. I would no longer avoid a disco filled with smoke and great music. Moreover, if I look at it, the things which I used to dislike few years ago are the things I can’t live without now.

Take smokers for instance, used to hate ‘em but now most of my best friends are one. I used to hate drinking but now I am pretty much an occasional drinker and I like it. Talking about drinking, last night I went to a party and gulped more than I should have. Next morning I got to hear interesting (read naughty) stories of what I did after all that alcohol went inside. 

It’s fascinating to see what comes outside after a little wine gets inside. Obviously the hangover is the worst part but someone rightly said that “I pity those who do not drink, as when they wake up in the morning that is the best they are going to feel all day.” But drinking should not only be to drown your sorrows in to it because sorrows know how to swim. But it can be a good way to lose control once in a while. Enjoy the moment. The question is: are you allowed to have fun at the expense of others feeling uncomfortable around you. Probably not. But everybody should believe in something and I believe I'll have another drink.  


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Xpress!ons is all about my experiences in life. It’s the first on account of someone who has just begun cutting his wisdom teeth. A down to earth description of some out of this world phenomenon . My story of biting off more than I can chew ,thus,continues..


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