Blogging begins at home

Its 3:00 am(in India and not on Blogspot server) and after a prolonged configuration of my blog account (mainly due to my vacillating decision of what to name the blog), I am ready to publish my first ever blog. Naming a blog is tougher than you'd actually think. The most difficult part comes when you try to squeeze your overall outlook in one (or few) word. Why do I think that effort was uncalled for?

Anyway, now that thing seem ready I better decide what to write. Damn! Again a decision to make. We, Librans, hate to decide and the more we hate it the more it lingers around. Why don’t I elucidate how I got the inspiration to blog? There were various pushers. For one it sounds cool and intellectual, doesn’t it? Moreover, I can post on things I don’t normally talk about (No! I am not a psycho, disillusioned, serial killer/kisser etc.). Things which require some deliberation, things which I feel strong about, things which I relate to and things I love. At the same time I can expect (and hope) sincere comments to fly by the post unlike face to face where I may get a puzzled, perplexed, baffled or bewildered look. (Yes! I mince words, I am an MBA student for God’s sake).

So let’s start the literary journey and let’s hope the journey is more amusing than the destination. See you soon.


Ravi Singh October 12, 2009 at 10:16 AM  

So finally started a blog!
Welcome to world of blog!!
nice name may be some picture at header will be better.
Also change the theme of this blog looking quite old fashion.

Mayank October 14, 2009 at 4:02 PM  

Good to see you blogging. You can also follow my blog at

GST Refunds Delhi January 17, 2018 at 4:48 PM  

Awesome work.Just wanted to drop a comment and say I am new to your blog and really like what I am reading.Thanks for the share

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Xpress!ons is all about my experiences in life. It’s the first on account of someone who has just begun cutting his wisdom teeth. A down to earth description of some out of this world phenomenon . My story of biting off more than I can chew ,thus,continues..


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