MistAches in My Life

My day was pretty much the same, rather hectic as I was busy arranging things for upcoming college functions. Loads of chatter, calls, bills, strategy, ideas and people were passing by simultaneously.  A chill, gusty and fresh morning of November made the job look like a picnic. Amongst the hustle bustle of the day, came two phone calls which are pretty much the parents of this post.

The First Call

It was from a very close friend whom I haven’t met in a while but kept in touch over the phone. He called to share the ultimate good news (and bad news at the same time) a bachelor can share. He was getting married shortly. Quite sentimental as he was when we were together, he sounded content and thrilled at the same time. I am sure he will be an admirable husband. The call, however, took me back in time and I was happy he was clear in his thoughts this time and felt the fresh lease of his life ahead.

The Second Call

The second call was from an even closer friend with whom I had no contact for the last few years. It was totally unexpected yet pleasant to hear from her. Her voice reminded me of the same innocence and truthfulness she possessed back then. She tried to be as formal as possible even when I became the same old friends we were. I know when she does that; when she is apprehensive. But what was she apprehensive about? I can tell, but that’s not the point. A hum of poignancy plagued her words even though she tried her best to avoid it. May be she is finding things complicated around her, may be she had a bad hair day. I can’t tell neither help this time. I hope everything turns out just fine.

The Final Call

The calls ended but the hustle continued. My interest, though, suffered a setback. The world seemed not so small after all. There are distances and the one of hearts is longer from those of lands. You are more likely to face the usual sunshine than the bright faces of your best friends in joy. You may not even have the time to shed tears over your own misfortune to share some of your friend’s. It hurts, coming close to people only to part ways and never look back. I want to fish out of all the people I love and I don’t want them to disappear in the mist this time.


KESHIE... December 5, 2009 at 10:33 AM  

i can very well understand the state.. i got a msg from a school frnd abt her placement.. n i was happy, off course.. but felt so strange, that each 1 f us r facing so much without each other but still they r the ones grounding us to our good ole days altogether.. complicated.." nothing else matters: so close to my heart yet so far " kinda situation!! :)
hope u got the point!

Abhishek December 5, 2009 at 11:30 AM  

You just hit the nail on its head :)
So much change comes in between you and your friends that you feel you are no longer a part of their life. Its best to cherish and move on I guess...

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Xpress!ons is all about my experiences in life. It’s the first on account of someone who has just begun cutting his wisdom teeth. A down to earth description of some out of this world phenomenon . My story of biting off more than I can chew ,thus,continues..


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