Humor has it

Ask people around you what’s their favorite TV show is and the answer most probably will be sitcoms like F.R.I.E.N.D.S, How I met your mother, or animations like The Simpsons, South park etc. Comic strip like Dilbert and Garfield are so popular. Humor is incredibly appreciated and most sought-after soft skill you can imagine (though sometimes overrated). According to Mark Twain “Humor is the great thing, the saving thing.  The minute it crops up, all our irritation and resentments slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place”. Perhaps more than their obvious reason for inclination towards sitcom euphoria which is to have a good laugh, people try to replace what’s lacking in them. Yes! Humor

In a way, sense of humor is similar to common sense just more elated. Watch Russel peters on YouTube and you’ll know what I am saying. The ease with which he transforms usual chatter in to superb hilarity is worth lending an ear. That’s the kind of conversation people enjoy, a conversation mixed with tidbits of humor like cherry on a cake (shouldn’t have used it, now I’m hungry). That’s the kind of person we all want to be, don’t we? Someone who can make a clan laugh with just a nip of wit.

As much as it may be desired, the rarer it is among people. You must have been part of those unfortunate chitchats where someone made a fool of him/herself (and you thought what a loser!) out of sheer pressure to sound (at least seem) funny. While it may come natural to someone, those who haven’t got the gift should remember that humor is just a funny way of being serious (Although if you fail after several attempts, give it a rest). But be cautious around sensitive people around who get a wound before the sword is drawn. Good humor is never meant to hurt. If nothing else comes to your mind try mocking yourself.

Mahatma Gandhi once admitted that If he had no sense of humor, he would have committed suicide long ago (now don’t follow suit here).  A keen sense of observation and witty bend of mind is all you need. Just don’t become satirical in the way.


Mayank November 16, 2009 at 8:46 AM  

Nice to see someone dissecting humour so technically... For good comedians you don't have to look farther away from India... Try Raju Srivastava... He too is good.

Ravi Singh November 16, 2009 at 4:35 PM  

I agreed .. everyone should have some sense of humor to keep the environment healthy and fit.
As doctor say "laughter is the best medicine".

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