Necessary evil

Gossip, grapevine, grumbling whatever you call it but an acute urge to complain and to be able to satiate that urge is more fulfilling than you imagine. Its negative branding and the usual moral obligation (that comes bundled with everything you like) put-off much fire of it. Don’t you think the world will be dull and boring if we don’t have anything to complain about? Complains and gossips double the taste of food on the dinner table, shorten the time to commute, uplift the mood (of women mostly), not to mention the burden we are able to offload once we are done. So in ways more than one, Complaining satisfies like nothing else and the best part is you don’t even have to work hard for it. Pick the Professor’s style whose class you just attended, pick your boss at workplace, working conditions, peers and if nothing helps pick Government, mobile network, Railways, weather. They will always be right on your side since they will never run out of shortcomings. The ultimate weapon is to complain about is your ‘luck’ of course.

So you see, even if you are in the golden age you may always complain how yellow everything looks. The message is not to be a whiner all the time, but if you never complain it probably means that you have no interest in people or surrounding. Gossip doesn’t only spread evil rumors but there are also some truths worthy to be passed around, what else can be a better way? As Winston Churchill said “There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true”.


Nagalakshmi Srinivasan November 19, 2009 at 3:20 PM  

A great post with good insights indeed !!
I strongly approve the necessity of grapevine in the society as a whole.
But one line which says "gossips uplift the mood of women" , is a line to ponder over..
Bcoz ,of late, i ve discovered that men gossip more than women..!!

Abhishek November 19, 2009 at 3:27 PM  

Of course, men do it too but they do it on a 'need-to-do' basis unlike women who might resort to it as a mood boost exercise(and it works).

Mayank November 19, 2009 at 9:14 PM  

I don't think that complaining about anything and everything under the sun would do any good. If not anything else, people would call you a whiner!!

However, I like "even if you are in the golden age you may always complain how yellow everything looks". Try to look at good things in life.

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